

The Royal project story

Sweet & Yummy – Royal Project’s Japanese Pumpkin
Sweet, soft, and delicious – nothing else this could be besides Japanese Pumpkin from The Royal Project, one of the most favorite salad bar menus from Sizzler fans. You can enjoy it as much as you want. Let’s take a look at one of your favorite menus today.

Symmetrical Pumpkin
Japanese Pumpkin from Mon Ngo Royal Project Development Center is naturally sweet, weighs 1-1.5 kg/pumpkin. One pumpkin is perfect for 3-4 servings. According to Royal Project criteria, each pumpkin must be symmetrically round. When it’s perfectly ripe, it tastes sweeter than other types of pumpkins.

Perfect for diet
If you are concerned about being healthy, let Japanese pumpkin take care of that! It contains very little calories when you compared to same type of food with carbohydrate in the same 100g. Japanese pumpkin also has high fiber, which can fill up your appetite quickly.

Nutritional value
Japanese pumpkin has high Vitamin A. It’s best to eat with other salad bar menus which have high Vitamin C such as chili, pineapple, tomato, and baby cos lettuce from Royal Project. All of the vegetables help with your body immune system and keep your skin bright and healthy.